Saturday, 5 September 2015

Talk Sexy To Me ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #MSSAuthors #Saturday7 #MSS108

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday. Here's a few from Breathe You In which I'll confess is one of my most favourite stories that I've ever written because it had been inside of me, waiting to pour out, for a very long time. I adore the English hero Ruben Strong, he's strong as his name suggests but also vulnerable and needs Katie before he even met her!

“You all right, love?” A deep voice came from my right.
I turned. A group of several men, all in jeans and short-sleeved shirts wandered past.
One with blond hair was grinning at me as he walked, hands shoved into his jeans pockets.
“Yes,” I said.
“Maybe catch you for a drink in The Slippery?” He nodded ahead and smiled wider. He had dazzling blue eyes and a small diamond earring.
I pushed my hair over my shoulders. “I’m meeting friends.”
“Ah,” he said. “A man can still hope.”
“Come on, Romeo.” His mate banged him on the shoulder. “She’s well out of your league.”
“I know.” Blond Guy shrugged and winked at me. “Hope is always worth hanging on to though.”
They wandered off. Again, I paused. The blond man was cute—a hot bum neatly encased in denim, and broad shoulders accentuated by a fitted shirt. But whilst I could appreciate a fine specimen, I suddenly wished Ruben was with me, that he was at my side to give me a quick smile and squeeze my hand before I met these new people.
I adored the way his eyes narrowed when he grinned and the way tiny lines creased at the corners. His lips were familiar now, too—their shape, their taste, how they moved when he spoke and laughed. I was missing him this week. I hoped he was having a nice night out with his old teammates, chatting about wild days gone by, but still, I was looking forward to the next time I saw him smile, heard his voice, felt his arms around me.
I summoned my courage and, shoving aside a trespassing thought about turning around and going home, I walked up to The Slippery Slope.
I’d just put my hand on the door when I heard my mobile phone beep. Quickly I stepped sideways, not entering the pub but standing beneath one of the large black lamps out of the way of other drinkers moving in and out. I plucked my phone from my bag. It was a message from Ruben. A lovely little shiver, almost a caress, tickled the base of my neck and settled in my chest. I hit Open.

Hope you’re having a great time with new friends. Looking forward to seeing you Friday. Shall we snuggle up on the back row of the cinema and eat popcorn? The new Bond movie looks amazing. X

I read it twice. Had he been missing me at the same time I was hankering for him? I tapped a quick reply.

Just about to meet Janine and her friends. Cinema sounds great. I’ll check out the times. X

After hitting Send, I slipped the phone away. As soon as I did, another text message came through.

They’ll love you. See you Friday. X PS I’m still on a high from the other night!

I smiled and let warmth that had nothing to do with the balmy evening wrap around me. Suddenly, instead of feeling nervous, I felt positive again. I’d always been fine meeting new people in the past. Got on with everyone, no problems, but tonight, I couldn’t deny that I did feel nervous. They’ll love you, was the right thing to say and also how Matt would have reassured me.
And as for still being on a high, well, I could understand that. I certainly was. Quickly, I messaged back a simple...


Then pushed into the bar.

Breathe You In was named a USA Today Reviewer's Recommended Read of 2013 and is available from all good ebook retailers including the publisher Totally Bound and Amazon.

Back Cover Information

Soul-aching desire was only the first layer of emotion around a secret I had to keep for all of time.

If the road to heaven starts in hell, then I was ready to start climbing my way out and Ruben Strong was the man to accompany me. With his devastating good looks, seductively sexy charm and lust for adrenaline, he was sure to make it a sensual and erotic experience as well as one to re-awake the passionate, throw-caution-to-the-wind woman I’d once been.

I’d given Ruben something, though, without him realizing, and that gift had come from the man I’d loved before. But I couldn’t tell Ruben. I had to keep that a tight secret even on the nights our naked bodies wound together, sought out pleasure and hit the dizzy heights of ecstasy—because Ruben had my husband’s heart, literally, and that heart was still in love with me, so it seemed, and now I was in love with Ruben.

Emotions tangled with bliss and fears were locked away as I surrendered to the touch of Ruben’s hands, the taste of his skin and the sounds of his pleasure. I couldn’t deny that Ruben had brought me back to life the same way I had him, and there was no way I was giving up that feeling, not for anyone.

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  1. Wonderful snippet. Love their sexy talk being via text as that's the way of today. Thanks for sharing and being part of My Sexy Saturday.

  2. Lynn and Kacey - thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment. It's always fun being part of My Sexy Saturday. :)
