Thursday 17 October 2024


 Love yourself some hot hockey players? How about two of them? Grab a free copy of TEAMWORK and find out just how lucky Fiona gets!

Friday 27 September 2024



PUCKING THE TEAM is out today!


*Book 8 in this popular hockey romance series is reverse harem, spicy, features The Vipers (of course) and is full of action on and off the ice! All books fine as standalone reads.


In a heartbeat I’ve gone from strutting my stuff on the runway to being a runaway bride…and I’ve run straight into the arms of four sexy hockey players who are determined to rescue me from the big bad world.

I’m a high-flying career woman. I’m at the top of my game. I decide my price, and believe me, I know my worth. But when my fiancé and best friend do the dirty on me, I startle like a deer and take off at breakneck speed in my Westwood dress and vintage veil.

Which is where The Vipers come in. They find me planning my next move, hiding out and nursing my tattered emotions.

There’s sexy French player Eduardo Dubois, as charming as he is seductive. Brooding Dylan Sanders who has kinks and skills I’d never even thought of. And Ben and Theo Evans, Canadian brothers who have scars to be uncovered before there’s any undressing.

But can we shake the global interest in us? We’re all famous. We’re all big news. And we’re all together…as in really together. Everyone wants a piece of us when we just want a piece of each other.

The paparazzi are relentless, and gossip spreads like wildfire. Can we keep our cool? Can we keep our secrets? And will jealousy and deceit threaten to ruin everything on and off the ice?

Dive into all the books in the HOT ICE series and enjoy cameos from your favorite HOT ICE characters as you go along. Also available as a boxed set.










Tuesday 24 September 2024

Exclusive Sneak Peek from PUCKING THE TEAM



My veil was vintage with silky blue details around the delicate edging. It had belonged to my mother. Wearing it today was my best friend, Cheryl’s, idea. It was my something old and blue. But now, as I was on my way to church, alone in the back of a chauffeur-driven limousine, the gauzy fabric was a web over my face.

It reminded me all over again that my parents weren’t around to witness my marriage to Steven. I’d come to terms with their accident, it had happened many years ago, and Aunt Mary would be waiting for me on the front pew, all soft smiles, gentle hugs, and reassuring words the way she always was.

I took a deep breath and stared out of the window at the English hedgerow rushing past. It glowed green, the leaves glossy and heavy with sparkling raindrops. Wasn’t it supposed to be good luck if it rained on your wedding day? I couldn’t remember. But I was lucky to have found Steven. He was a good man, solid, and he owned a to-die-for London penthouse, a fancy sports car, and was riding a stratospheric career. Our relationship had been a whirlwind, an obsessive need that quickly turned to planning a secretive, lowish-key wedding.

“Five-minute warning,” the driver said, glancing at me in the rearview mirror from under his peaked black cap.

I cleared my throat. “Thanks.”

“And it’s Chapel Inn you want me to drop your suitcase at, right?”

“Yes, that would be great, thank you.” Steven and I were heading straight from the wedding reception to an isolated boutique hotel and then catching an early flight to the Maldives. I had everything carefully packed for the next two weeks of sunshine and sand.

Oh, the thought of sunning myself was blissful—clear waters, blue skies, delicious fresh food, and sweet cocktails. I could hardly wait and I would forget about taking any promo pictures. I wouldn’t, not even once. That was a promise to myself, if not to my agent, Trevor McWilliams.

The car meandered through the small sleepy village of Eccelstone, past stone cottages the color of gingerbread, a red telephone box that had been turned into a village book swap and a thatched-roof pub called The White Stag.

When the tall Gothic church steeple came into view, my stomach did a flip. Within the ancient building fifty guests were waiting. Mainly Steven’s family as I was pretty lean on relatives, but a bunch of both of our friends had padded out the numbers.

I was also pleased to see there were no additional photographers. Unwanted snappers. I’d planned carefully and hoped for privacy. Paparazzi would not be a good addition to the day. They weren’t a good addition to any day as far as I was concerned.

When the car pulled up, the tires splashing in a puddle, I strained my neck searching for Cheryl. She was my one and only bridesmaid. She’d wanted to ride with me, but I’d needed to be alone for this bit. I’d wanted to feel my mother’s and father’s spirits at my side, allow them to come through if they could.

I couldn’t see Cheryl. She was no doubt sheltering from the rain.

“I’ll get the umbrella,” the driver said. “You wait there a moment, Miss Pippa, and we’ll get you to the church entrance dry as a bone.”

“Okay, thank you.” I plucked my phone from the small white purse I’d tucked it into. I’d have to let Cheryl know I’d arrived. The organist could start the wedding march very soon.

A message flashed up from an unknown number. It was nestled amongst several others; well-wishes, and a reminder about tomorrow’s early flight from Heathrow.

The driver stepped out, leaving the windscreen wipers on—swish, swish, swish—and slammed the door.

A strange sense of being cocooned came over me. The daylight sneaking into the car was tinged with the gray of the gravestones and the fat-bellied clouds pressing down.

I opened the anonymous message. No doubt it was spam.

You ought to know, Pippa.

“You ought to know, Pippa?” I muttered and scrolled to the first of three images attached.

My heart stuttered, my mouth dried, and a strange sense of surrealness made my head float as though it were no longer attached to my body. “What the hell?”

My hand shook as I studied the first image.

It was taken on a bright sunny day and showed two people in a passionate embrace beside a stonewalled building.

It couldn’t be. No! A ball of nausea tightened my guts.

I recognized the woman’s pretty yellow dress covered in white daisies, and her hair, long and dark, the white Vera Wang stiletto hooked around a pair of shapely denim-clad male legs.

The embrace was fervent, his head ducked to kiss her neck and her face lifted to the sky in apparent ecstasy.


And her dress was new, very new. As were the fancy shoes; we’d been together when she’d bought them.

I swiped to the next image, the rest of the world fading away as the bottom of mine dropped out.

His chiseled profile was clear as he clasped her right breast and stared into her eyes. An angular jawline I knew only too well, a pale-blond flick of hair I’d run my fingers through so many times, and a look of desire I’d also witnessed.


With a gasp, I brought my fingers to my mouth.

My best friend and fiancé were having a secret affair, and…and these photographs were recent. Very recent, in fact, they were—I peered closer—they were embracing up against the very wall I could see from where I sat in the limo—Eccelstone church wall. This must have been taken yesterday, the evening before, when we were all at the church for the rehearsal. Yes, Cheryl had worn that very dress.

I swallowed the vile taste that had flooded my mouth. Betrayal and shock combined with fury. After the rehearsal, I’d lingered inside the church to talk to first the florist and then the choirmaster. And while I’d been doing that…they had been…they…fuck…of all the sneaky bastardy asshole things to do.

“Miss Pippa,” the driver said, holding open the door and the shelter of an umbrella. “Are you ready?”

“Er…one moment.” I scrolled to the last photograph. It was even worse than the others. Cheryl had grabbed Steven’s ass and was dragging him close; the kiss was obviously ravenous. They were practically eating each other, high on forbidden lust and knowing they were pressed for time. Had the thrill of getting caught spurred them on? Made them even giddier with want?

“I…I’m not…” I rubbed my temple and screwed up my eyes, tight. “I’m not sure if…”

“Miss Pippa, let’s get you in there and out of this weather. Everyone is waiting for you, you are the bride after all.”

“I can’t…I…” What couldn’t I do?

It was obvious. I was staring at the biggest red flag ever waved. Hell, it could be seen from bloody space.

I couldn’t marry Steven, that’s what I couldn’t do. I couldn’t hitch myself to a guy who clearly didn’t love me enough to forsake all others. Jeez, I hadn’t even thought he and Cheryl got on that well. 

Obviously they did. Very well.

“I just need a moment.” I frowned up at the driver. “Please.”

He squashed his mouth into a straight line, nodded, and then set his attention ahead. He kept the door open, the sound of the rain hitting the tarmac a constant sharp clatter. I really was only getting a moment from him.

My instinct was to call Cheryl, the way I always did when something happened. She was my best friend, that’s what best friends were for. They got the spade and helped you dig a body-sized hole, no questions asked.

Although apparently she wasn’t my best friend. Not if she could snog the face off my groom only hours before I married him.

Oh my God, were they shagging, too? Of course they were. Those embraces told me they were familiar with each other’s bodies, intimate, in tune. Yes, they’d definitely screamed each other’s names while in the throes of ecstasy.

I stared at the church and spotted the vicar lurking in the vestibule, his dark robes just visible and his small round glasses glinting.

What the hell was I going to do?

I had no idea.

But I did know what I wasn’t going to do, and that was hitch my wagon to a rat.

“Shut the door,” I snapped.

“I beg your pardon?” The driver turned to me with wide eyes.

“Shut the door, I’m not going in.”

“Miss, nerves, cold feet, they are quite common, and really I think—”

“I don’t have nerves, and my feet are quite warm, thank you. I have just decided not to marry a cheating bastard, that’s all.”

His mouth fell open in a circle, and his eyes widened further.

“Information I’ve just become privy to.” I held up my phone. “So if you could get me the hell out of here, I’d be very grateful.”

“I…er…are you sure? This is most—”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” A steely grip of determination came over me. I would not be treated this way. Lied to, cheated on, deceived, people acting like I didn’t have a brain in my head. For me, that was the worst thing of all, being treated like I wasn’t intelligent. Nothing more than a pretty face, blonde hair, and perfect measurements.

But in truth, maybe I wasn’t that clever. I’d had no idea what had been going on right under my nose or who had sent the photographs.

“Let’s go, please…” I gestured forward. “I have to get out of Eccelstone now.”

He appeared to snap out of his shock. “Of course, Miss Pippa. Right away.”

The door slammed shut, and he quickly returned to the driver’s seat. As the engine restarted, I spotted the vicar peering out, his long beak-like nose wrinkled.

I closed my eyes and clutched my bouquet. I didn’t want to see anyone, not the vicar, not Steven or Cheryl or…

“Where do you want to go?” the driver asked.

“Please let me think for a moment. I…I wasn’t exactly planning on this.”

“Of course not.” His voice was tight, as though he was anxious for me. “But they will be wondering where you are.”

We slipped past the church and, unable to resist, I turned to look out of the water-splashed back window.

In the vestibule stood Cheryl, next to the vicar; her pretty lilac dress skimmed the floor, and her matching flowers were held low as she gaped at the departing limo.

I turned away. She was a traitor and a liar, definitely not the person I’d thought these last three years we’d known each other. And if I never spoke to her again, or saw her again, it would be too soon.

“Shall I drop you at Chapel Inn?” the driver asked. “With your bags.”

“No, no, he’ll find me there.”

“Who will?”

“Him! Steven, the groom.”

“Perhaps you should speak to him.”

“Not a chance,” I snapped, then, “sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I just…can you take me to Heathrow?” Perhaps I could speak to the airline, switch my Maldives flight and go somewhere else, far away, and sort my head out.

“Heathrow? Miss, that’s two hours away in this traffic, and I have another pickup at three.”

“Just get me as close as possible, then I’ll get a cab or a bus or something.”

“Are you sure? I mean, this is all quite untoward with all the money that’s been spent, and the guests—”

“I paid for half of everything, so it’s half mine to waste, and Steven, well, he will just have to suck it up as penance for bad behavior. So please, as close to Heathrow in the time I’ve paid you for would be great.”

“I can do that.” He gripped the steering wheel and tightened his jaw. “No problem.”

I looked down at the lilies and ivy in my bouquet. Someone had said lilies were for funerals and not weddings, and I’d ignored them. They were my favorite, so that’s what I was having. Perhaps I’d brought this bad luck on myself with death flowers. 

With a fit of anger, I threw the flowers across the seat. A few stamen snapped, and several tendrils of ivy flew off. Of course I hadn’t brought bad luck on myself. I’d been a devoted girlfriend, a busy bride-to-be, working hard as I got everything organized and made sure Steven was happy.

But clearly he wasn’t. So I’d messed up somewhere.

“I did not mess up,” I muttered and opened my phone again. I tapped a message in reply to the photographs.

Who sent these?

A message pinged back.

You don’t know me, but I’ve also been cheated on. Being the last to know sucks, but I thought it best for you to find out before there was a ring on your finger.

I frowned. It was obviously someone who’d been at the rehearsal, but didn’t I know everyone there? There had been a Women’s Institute meeting going on at the same time, in the back room, so maybe it was just a busybody who had seen Steven and Cheryl? But then how did she have my number?

Quickly, I typed again.

Please, tell me who you are. And when did you take these photographs?

I sent the message.

Nothing pinged back.

With a sigh, I fired off a message to my Aunt Mary. She would be frantic sitting in the pews and she didn’t deserve that. She’d always been so good to me. A surrogate mother since I was seventeen.

I’m sorry. I can’t marry him. He’s a cheat and a liar and I’ve just found out. 

A message came straight through. Pippa! Where are you?

I’m driving away from church. I’m okay, but I won’t be walking down the aisle. Please tell everyone I am sorry. Except for Steven. Tell him I know what’s he been doing with Cheryl and I’m sorry I ever thought he was the one.

A few moments later, Aunt Mary replied.

I am shocked but in full agreement, you can’t marry a cheat. I will let everyone know and tell S what I think of him. C too, come to that. Let me know where you are and I will come to you. I love you. Be strong.

I closed my eyes and sighed, almost feeling her love wrap around me. At least I had one person in my corner.

A message pinged from Trevor, my agent. He was no doubt dressed in his finest Gucci pinstripe suit decorated with a flamboyant exotic-flower buttonhole.

Sweet pea. Where are you? What is happening? The church is awash with gossip and rumors. It is crazy in here! 

My eyes stung and then filled. Tears welled and overspilled, streaming down my cheeks. I dashed at them and tried to reply. But my vision was blurred and my nose also dripping.

Three more messages came through. Rapid succession. Then three more. Another five. My phone was alive. Frustrated, I hit silence and slipped it away. I couldn’t deal with other people right now. Heck, I could barely deal with myself. Rational thought was hard, so was breathing come to think of it.

I suppose rain on your wedding day, as the saying goes, really was bad luck. And me, I’d got it in bucketfuls.



Friday 20 September 2024



Coming Soon!

A super steamy and intensely kinky hockey reverse harem novel.

Book #8 in the HOT ICE series but fine as a standalone read.

Tuesday 17 September 2024





*Book 8 in this popular hockey romance series is reverse harem, spicy, features The Vipers (of course) and is full of action on and off the ice! 

*All books fine as standalone reads.


In a heartbeat I’ve gone from strutting my stuff on the runway to being a runaway bride…and I’ve run straight into the arms of four sexy hockey players who are determined to rescue me from the big bad world.

I’m a high-flying career woman. I’m at the top of my game. I decide my price, and believe me, I know my worth. But when my fiancé and best friend do the dirty on me, I startle like a deer and take off at breakneck speed in my Westwood dress and vintage veil.

Which is where The Vipers come in. They find me planning my next move, hiding out and nursing my tattered emotions.

There’s sexy French player Eduardo Dubois, as charming as he is seductive. Brooding Dylan Sanders who has kinks and skills I’d never even thought of. And Ben and Theo Evans, Canadian brothers who have scars to be uncovered before there’s any undressing.

But can we shake the global interest in us? We’re all famous. We’re all big news. And we’re all together…as in really together. Everyone wants a piece of us when we just want a piece of each other.

The paparazzi are relentless, and gossip spreads like wildfire. Can we keep our cool? Can we keep our secrets? And will jealousy and deceit threaten to ruin everything on and off the ice?

Pre-order your copy today, and then dive into the other books in the series while you wait for release day. All books are fine as standalone reads though full of cameos from your favorite HOT ICE characters.



Wednesday 4 September 2024

Love some bad boys on bikes? Of course you do, now you can listen to the entire DIRTY BIKERS trilogy on Audible and iTunes. Start with delicious Carter Harris in book one, BADASS BIKER and then fall in love with his club brothers as you keep on reading...

* Audiobook covers different to ebook for copyright reasons.


Wednesday 14 August 2024

OUT NOW—Adorned in Ice by Kylie Wiggins (@PublishConquest @kywriteswords)

Fear was not for the weak but for the intelligent who knew they were up against an unpredictable foe.

Eliza Hawke, the ice-wielding Princess of Keruna, has been married off to Will, the earth-wielding Prince of Mineros. The cruel and unfeeling place that is Mineros cares about power over anything else. As Eliza's days of forced betrothal go by, Will leaves his mark with bruises and veiled threats. Yet, through Eliza's misery, she finds solace within the Princess of Mineros, Nissa.

Nissa, is a beam of light even on Eliza's darkest days. It is not until Will's coronation is almost in his grasp, Eliza and Nissa hatch a daring plan of escape. If the Prince is allowed control over the largest army in Catalina, then all will surely be lost.

As the two fight desperately to unite the kingdoms in their war against the Prince, a tale of danger and betrayal unfolds every step of the way.

Purchase links:


Amazon US: 



Fire crackled in the hearth to the left of Eliza’s reading chair. She sunk into the upholstered velvet as the flames danced in an array of oranges, reds, and yellows. The years of use had made it slightly rough. Lost within the pages of a book was all she could think of to distract herself from the war just outside the palace walls. The coarse pages of a tome beneath her fingertips usually quelled her worries in an instant, but in that moment, it did nothing to calm the anxiety roiling in her belly like the sea in a hurricane.

It was all too close for comfort.

She couldn’t help but think of the townspeople who hadn’t made it within the gates in time. Did they have somewhere to hide? Did they have any means of protection? Her father had kept the palace open for as long as possible, but was it enough? 

Eliza closed her eyes as she remembered the unbridled terror she felt when she saw the enemy soldiers marching over the horizon. All of Catalina knew about the Poison Queen of Mineros. Those who became her enemy were wiped from the face of the earth within a few short weeks. And she was often in search of enemies simply for the sake of fighting. 

In a way, Eliza pitied her. How awful did someone’s upbringing have to be if they found joy from war? She simply could not fathom how horrid it had to be inside her mind if needless slaughter was what brought her ultimate happiness. 

Eliza stood, sliding her feet into her slippers lined with cushiony rabbit fur. The Princess hugged her arms around herself, feeling as though she should be in armor instead of a nightgown thinner than the parchment of her beloved books. She tugged at the bottom hem of her gown, the pesky thing insisting on riding up her thighs. Her body mirrored that of her mother’s. Where Queen Armina was blessed with a bosom that had Princes fawning over her at Eliza’s age, the Princess had been given a lower half that made dress fittings incredibly tedious. 

As she made her way to bed, the floor shook beneath her feet. Gray dust fell from the ceiling and coated the many cheery, yellow decorations in her room. As she shook the layer of grime from her white hair, her lungs began to burn. In moments, her safespace had been reduced to a battle zone. Her father had warned her about the possibility of enemies infiltrating the castle. 

His warning rang clear in her mind, “As my heir, I will never lie to you. The walls could be breached. If such happens, I trust you to keep your sister safe.”

Although she might’ve been young, Eliza was far from naive. She knew what she had to do. Her entire body shook as she shuffled to the door of her room. The once serene firelight emanating from the stone fireplace now reminded her of the fiery pits of the underworld. With a trembling hand, the cold iron of the arched handle bit into her palm like the tiny fangs of a snake. She pulled it open only slightly, heart pounding in her ears, as she listened for any sign of the enemy. 

The clinking of armor inched closer by the second, so Eliza waited. 

I have to get to Dina. I won't let them hurt her. 

She felt as if she had waited for hours, her palm growing sweaty on the handle. Finally, two soldiers jogged past her door, their armor a sickly shade of green.

Eliza’s eyes rounded, her chest heaving with fear. As soon as they turned the corner out of sight, she made a break for it. The setting sun cascaded through frosted windows as she ran. Every few seconds her face was bathed in the fiery light of battle. As a child, she believed bad things only occurred when the sun fell and the moon had taken its place. She believed nightmares could only happen when she was sleeping.

This nightmare was all too real. 

The Princess furiously pumped her arms as she sprinted toward her sister's room. Her feet slipped out of her shoes causing her to stumble. She squeezed her hands around the rough stone of the nearest door frame for support, taking only a second to catch her breath. 

On any other day, their rooms never seemed so far apart. But as she willed herself back into motion, she couldn’t get there fast enough. 

What if they’ve already found her? 

About the Author:

Kylie is a twenty-year-old college student at Sam Houston State University. She has loved writing and storytelling for as long as she can remember.

Within the last couple months, Kylie has self-published two poetry books that were mostly marketed towards family.

While Kylie loves writing poetry, her real passion lies in creating fantasy worlds, such as the one in her debut novel, Adorned in Ice.




Release blitz organized by Writer Marketing Services.


Sunday 11 August 2024

Her Dominant Billionaire

Tired of virgin heroines and teenage lead characters? Dive into HER DOMINANT BILLIONAIRE and play with the real men of steamy romance! You won't look back!

Friday 9 August 2024


A Dark Bully Romance Anthology

✔ Dark Romance

✔ Enemies to Lovers

✔ Bully Romance

✔ Contemporary

These twelve dark romance novellas pack the heat. Bestselling authors showcase a variety of contemporary romances featuring bully and enemies-to-lovers themes. There may be triggers, so be warned that these aren't your average love stories.

Blackmailed by Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

The Seal's Obsession by Lila Fox

A Spark Without Air by D.C. Stone

Ignite by Beth D. Carter

Tutoring the Beast by Jade Marshall

Rage's Claim by Winter Sloane

Pretty Little Deceiver by Lacee Hightower

Love/Hate Games by Sofia Aves

Confliction by Roe Valentine

The Ice Man's Melt by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Blood Red Rose by Elyzabeth M. VaLey

What's His Problem? by Lily Harlem

Thursday 1 August 2024



CRAVED BY THEM is FREE for a few days only. Grab your copy and meet the sexy vampire cops who roam the streets of London keeping everyone safe...or do they?

Wednesday 31 July 2024



The eagerly anticipated TELL ME LIES anthology is now available for pre-order. This dark bully romance contains my story WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM?

It's the first time I've attempted a bully romance and the challenge for me was making the characters still likeable, I believe I have done that, my heroine is no wilting flower and very much stands up for herself in the world of media and press on London's Fleet Street. Give it a go, see what you think.

Thursday 25 July 2024


Go, run, grab your copy!

ADORED BY THE ARCHDUKE is out today, it's book two in the popular and super hot Habsburg historical romance trilogy HAWK CASTLE

Grab your copy now

Joanna of Castile’s destiny will take her over land and sea to marry a man she has never met. Disaster right? Not when he turns out to be gorgeous, charming, and ambitious—and he drives her crazy with lust.

The year is 1496 and for Joanna, daughter of two of the most powerful monarchs in Europe, life is changing forever. She must swap Spain for Flanders, leave her family behind and do her duty and marry astutely.

And that means saying ‘I do’ to the Archduke of Austria, Philip the Handsome, who rules the Low Countries with skill despite his young age.

The moment their eyes meet, lightning strikes and powerful passions erupt. A joining like no other, a match made in heaven. Joanna basks in her good fortune and in her husband’s seductive attentions.

As son of the Holy Roman Emperor, Philip enjoys the finer things in life. And when Joanna arrives at his home he believes God has truly favored him. She’s exquisite, intelligent and regal and creates a strong alliance between the Habsburgs and Spain.

But soon the world intrudes on their marital bliss—kings wage war, queens demand inquisitions, and heirs pass on their crowns.

Will Joanna be able to defend her state of mind? And will Philip ever be the true King of Castile? More importantly, can Philip and Joanna’s love survive the turbulence of a medieval world that shifts and dodges through creeping shadows? 

* * * 

Did you miss book one, LOVED BY THE LAST KNIGHT? Find it here. Book three coming very soon...

Friday 19 July 2024

Hot Ice on Audiobooks!


I'm thrilled to announce that after months of hard work the entire HOT ICE series is now available as audiobooks. You can listen to them on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. Each book has a different narrator and you'll get to enjoy cameos as you go along. Start with HIRED and finish with RUSSIAN HEAT but never fear....there is more HOT ICE on the this space.

Monday 15 July 2024

Our BIG antho is almost here!

TELL ME LIES features dark and delicious romances from top authors! 

✔ 750+ Pages

✔ 12 Books 

✔ 13 Authors 


"An epic collection of dark steamy reads, enemies to lovers, blackmail, bully, desires, hot steamy scenes and more!  With a variety of tropes and authors to tickle your dark fancy!"

"Great set! This was a great set of 12 dark romance books. Each were good and kept my attention. This is a definite hit."

✔ Dark Romance

✔ Enemies to Lovers

✔ Bully Romance

✔ Contemporary

These twelve dark romance novellas pack the heat. Our bestselling authors showcase a variety of contemporary romances featuring bully and enemies-to-lovers themes. There may be triggers, so be warned that these aren't your average love stories.

 Pre-Order Now Available:


Barnes & Noble: 



Blackmailed by Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

The Seal's Obsession by Lila Fox

A Spark Without Air by D.C. Stone

Ignite by Beth D. Carter

Tutoring the Beast by Jade Marshall

Rage's Claim by Winter Sloane

Pretty Little Deceiver by Lacee Hightower

Love/Hate Games by Sofia Aves

Confliction by Roe Valentine

The Ice Man's Melt by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy:

Blood Red Rose by Elyzabeth M. VaLey.

What's His Problem? by Lily Harlem

Wednesday 3 July 2024


 I am thrilled to show off the cover of EMBRACED BY THE EMPEROR book #3 in my HAWK CASTLE trilogy. The books are based on real characters and this one is about Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and his beautiful princess Isabella of Portugal. 

I think this might be my favourite cover out of the three, partly because the couple really do enjoy sexy times on the throne!


Tuesday 2 July 2024



Don't miss out on a chance to grab HIS VAMPIRE HAREM at a bargain price! It's a super hot men on (one very lucky) man adventure with demons and kink and it also now has a sequel that takes the characters all around the globe.

Monday 1 July 2024

COMING SOON - July 2024

Book Two in the HAWK CASTLE series

A Habsburg Historical Romance

Joanna of Castile’s destiny will take her over land and sea to marry a man she has never met. Disaster, right? Not when he turns out to be gorgeous, charming, and ambitious—and he drives her crazy with lust.

The year is 1496 and for Joanna, daughter of two of the most powerful monarchs in Europe, life is changing forever. She must swap Spain for Flanders, leave her family behind, and do her duty to marry astutely.

And that means saying ‘I do’ to the Archduke of Austria, Philip the Handsome, who rules the Low Countries with skill despite his young age.

The moment their eyes meet, lightning strikes and powerful passions erupt. A joining like no other, a match made in heaven. Joanna basks in her good fortune and in her husband’s seductive attentions.

As son of the Holy Roman Emperor, Philip enjoys the finer things in life. And when Joanna arrives at his home, he believes God has truly favored him. She’s exquisite, intelligent, and regal, and their union creates a strong alliance between the Habsburgs and Spain.

But soon the world intrudes on their marital bliss—kings wage war, queens demand inquisitions, and heirs pass on their crowns.

Up against accusations of insanity, can Joanna rein in her wild passions? And will Philip ever be the true King of Castile? More importantly, can Philip and Joanna’s love survive the turbulence of a medieval world that shifts and dodges through creeping shadows?

* * * * 

Don't miss book one LOVED BY THE LAST KNIGHT