Saturday, 30 November 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors - The Champagne Whore #WeWrWa #SundaySnippet

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, this week 8 from my new collection, Stories for When the Sun Goes Down, which is currently FREE on Amazon!

This little teaser is from The Champagne Whore and if you're offended by the 'c' word, look away now!

“He could see us you know,” he says.
“The barman.”
“What, how?” My eyes ping open and I catch his wicked grin.
“The reflection in the window, he could see my fingers in your cunt.”
“Oh, shit.” I’m mortified.
“You won’t be able to work The Grosvenor again.” He laughs at my ruination.

Saturday Spankings - I Promise to Surrender #SatSpanks

Hello Saturday Spankings followers. This is a snippet from my new collection Stories for When the Sun Goes Down taken from the seriously sexy spanking story I Promise to Surrender...

This collection also happens to be FREE on Amazon at the moment! So go grab your copy and enjoy some FREE spanking!

He looked so damned sexy, sitting there with his erect cock shiny from my juice. His shoulders all broad and tanned, his chest shadowed from the one dim lamp in the room. But his eyes, they held an almost feral glint.
“Turn over,” he said then tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth. He fisted his cock and lazily worked his hand up to the tip and back down again. “Come on, Cassie, turn over and let me spank your sweet arse.”
I gulped and did as he’d asked. Flattened my cheek on the pillow and was aware of how vulnerable my buttocks were.
“Up, like this.” He scooped his arm beneath my waist and hoisted me onto my hands and knees.
“You ever done this before?” I asked, staring at my breasts, which jostled as Jake moved to the end of the bed.
So how the hell will he know how hard to spank me?

Friday, 29 November 2013

Black Friday Freebie!

That's right, Stories for When the Sun Goes Down, my newly released erotic romance collection of 10 stories, is Free on Amazon!

Tell all your friends, quick, go, run, grab your copy!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Erotic Enchants Holiday Party Blog Tour

Holiday Party Blog Tour & Giveaway!

On November 27th, the Holiday Party Blog Tour will be celebrating 
THE NOVICE by Harlem Dae
on the following blogs, be sure to check out each stop and enter to win!

I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews 

This Holiday Party Blog tour is being run in conjunction with the 
Check out the entire schedule of the 18 Holiday Party Blog Tour stops HERE.

Join the party and win from a prize pool of over 1,500 books and prizes by these generous authors!

Holiday Party Blog Tour is being coordinated by I ♥ Bookie Nookie on 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Please welcome Tara Crescent


Sara White is outwardly a good girl; she follows the rules; works in a professional office; has a boyfriend who treats her with consideration. However, deep inside her, there’s a craving for pain, a desire to be spanked and whipped, to be submissive, to be controlled. 

One day, she walks into the House of Pain, a sex store in Toronto that also does shows in the back, where women are whipped and spanked in front of an audience. Transfixed by the idea, she signs up. 

Doug Patterson has met Sara at work, but discovers a whole new side of her when he sees her at the House of Pain. He approaches her and suggests Sara become his submissive. Sara is attracted to Doug; but afraid of complication. 

Will Sara surrender to Doug, and yield to her desire to be submissive? 

Contains BDSM, flogging, anal sex, and much more... 


Tara’s note: Doug’s propositioned Sara, and Sara’s inclined to accept, but she has concerns that she needs to discuss with him. She goes to his house…

“Pizza?” he asks me. 
“Yes please…” I say. Our conversation was interrupted at the most inopportune time; I want to know what he’s thinking. 
He takes the pizza from me, gestures for me to follow him. We go to the kitchen; I gasp. It is beautiful, light and airy; it is L-shaped, and opens out to the backyard. Alia is in the backyard, basking in the sunlight. 
He grabs plates, opens the box. We help ourselves to slices, the food momentarily pausing the conversation. 
“Did you like getting whipped at the House of Pain?” His words pull me back to our conversation. 
“Did you like being tied up?” 
“Yes…” I whisper again. 
“So, what concerns you?” There’s no impatience in his voice. He’s trying to understand. 
“I don’t like the idea of being obedient, submissive.” 
“Are you submissive in bed?” he asks bluntly. 
I flush. “Sometimes… but I’ve always had a choice; I don’t have to be submissive.” I’m explaining myself badly. I think I’m afraid I’ll lose my ability to choose; that my submission will not be a choice I make; but the expected behaviour from me. 

Buy Links:

About Tara: 

Hello, I’m Tara Cresent. I’ve always fantasized about being a mysterious spy, leading a secret double-life, and now, I find that that’s come true! 

Sort of. 

By day, I’m a mild-mannered corporate drone in Toronto, but by night, I’m limited only by my imagination; I am a daring writer of BDSM, erotica and romance. 

In my spare time, I write of course. I also read, garden, travel, cook, and almost never clean. I just started watching Walking Dead on Netflix (zombie erotica, anyone?), and I’m impatiently awaiting the next episode of Doctor Who. (I would kill for a TARDIS.)

I’ve scribbled bits and pieces all my life, chiefly inspired by what I’m reading, which tends to be mainly science-fiction and fantasy, with a healthy sprinkling of romance and erotica thrown in. 

I’m a huge believer in happily-ever-after, but tempered by real life, where happily-ever-after is possible, but takes work.  My favorite kind of romance stories are ones that are somewhat believable; I like strong men and women who know what they want out of life, and are driven to get it. 

From time to time, I blog about what I’m writing at The blog is also where I post book excerpts; highlight information about upcoming promotions, and so on and so forth. Follow me there to keep up with all the fun! 

Tour stops: 

Each stop will feature a different extract of the book – visit them all! 

November 23, Four Seduced Muses | November 24, Celeste Jones| November 25, House of Taboo | November 26, Lily Harlem | November 26, Cara Bristol | November 27, Spanking Romance | November 28, Christina Jean Michaels | November 29, Daizie Draper | November 30, Smile, Somebody Loves You | December 1, BDSM Book Reviews | December 2, Natasha Knight

Monday, 25 November 2013

Blissemas Starts Today!

Blissemas is a very special time of year, it's a time of giving and sharing and of course winning.

Visit the Blissemas site every day and open that days envelope. Read and enjoy the blog, tell all of your friends about it and then leave a comment on the blog to get an entry into the Blissemas Prize Draw. Make sure you visit the Raw Talent Blog to find my post on the 5th of December!

One Entry Per Person Per Blog each day.

Winner can choose from one of the following prizes:

An eReader of your choice (Pick from either a Kindle, Nook, Kobo or Sony)

A $100 Gift Card (Choose either All Romance, Amazon, Totally Bound or B&N)

Blissemas this year runs from the 25th Nov - 19th Dec and the Winner will be drawn at Midnight GMT on the 21st Dec 2013. Good luck and happy Blissemas.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Sunday Snog

Oh it's Sunday, my favourite day of the week. Not just because Mr H is home and we are going for a long beach walk, cooking a roast dinner and then popping the cork on a nice bottle of red, but also because it's time for a big, juicy Sunday Snog! Yes please I hear you shout! So here goes, this week one from Cross-Checked, book #2 in my Hot Ice series (if you want to read a snog from book #1 that was last week and you can catch up here).

When we pulled up outside my building I dismounted and fluffed my hair. He climbed off, lifted his shades to his forehead and balanced our helmets on the seat.
“Thanks for lunch,” I said.
“My pleasure. Come on, I’ll walk you to your door.” He glanced up and down the quiet street.
“But it’s just there.”
“So, I’ll walk you. Make sure you get home okay.” He shrugged.
“It's broad daylight and this really is a very nice area.” I smiled and frowned at the same time.
“So, it’s a date. I have rules. I want to make sure you get home safely.”
I wasn’t sure how safe I was with Brick around. My body didn’t feel as if it was under control. Sin and a craving for dirty deeds were only a whisper away. The date had been exciting and charged with sexual tension and the fact he’d talked so freely about his emotional needs had only added a new, deeper layer to my admiration of him.
He pressed a hand into the small of my back and urged me to the entrance of my building. I keyed in the code and stepped into the shaded cool of the small communal lobby .
I turned to Brick as the door clicked shut.
He reached out and pressed the palm of his right hand to my cheek. “Thanks for coming to lunch,” he said quietly. “I had a real nice time.”
“Me too.” I leaned my cheek into his hand even though I knew I should say something tempting and suggestive then walk away. That was my plan. Not leaning into his calloused palm and staring up into his eyes. Definitely not swaying toward him as blood pounded to every erogenous zone I possessed. That was not what I was supposed to be doing. No way.
He stepped closer and his big body loomed over mine. His shoulders were impossibly wide in my peripheral vision. “Carly,” he murmured.
“Yes.” I studied the shadows slicing across his profile and a haze of fair stubble dusting his jaw and chin.
“Am I allowed to kiss you on a first date?” He lowered his head and heat from his sweet breath washed over my cheek.
I looked deeper into his eyes, sparkling from beneath hooded lids. They were the color of the forest floor gilded with late-afternoon sunlight. I’d dreamed of this moment. Looked at his eyes in magazines and on TV and wondered what it would be like to have them really there, hovering over me and brimming with desire.
Now I knew.
Now I knew it was wonderful. It felt like the moment I’d pushed my front pedal through the finish line in first position and heard the crowd lift the roof of the velodrome.
“You’re taking a long time to decide,” he whispered as his other hand came up and circled the back of my neck. He tucked his fingers into my long hair and cradled the base of my skull.
I caught my breath. The possessiveness of the touch knotted my stomach. The way he was holding my head was so dominant, so utterly masculine. “Yes,” I said quietly as darts of sensitivity snaked across my scalp. “Kissing is allowed.”
He gave the tiniest of smiles, then his lips were on mine. Soft and gentle but also confident and determined. His tongue probed, I opened up and the tip slid into my mouth and met mine. I let out a small moan of pleasure.
He continued to hold my head firm but the hand on my cheek dropped to my shoulder. His fingertips pressed into my flesh—stopped me falling into him and molding my body with his.
“You taste so good,” he said into my mouth before dipping back in for another sample. This time it was hotter, more urgent. Soon it was a full, open-mouthed kiss that made my head spin and my heart ricochet off my chest wall. He was devouring me and I was taking what I could from him.
I pressed my hands to the front of his chest and curled my fingers over his collarbone. The raw power beneath my palms was intoxicating, edgy. I wanted more. I wanted that power driving into me. I wanted him naked and at my mercy. I wanted to own him, pleasure him. I wanted to drag him upstairs and forget my crazy plan. I had basic needs demanding to be met. Now.
He broke the kiss. “I have to go,” he said breathlessly.
He released me, took a step back and reached for the door. “I’m sorry, Carly, but I have to go.”
My arms fell to my sides and I faltered to regain my balance. I wasn’t sure how my watery legs were managing to support me. And my spine, my spine had turned to dust.
“I’ll call you.” His lips were moist. His jaw set like stone.
“Sure,” I said in a hoarse voice.
He pulled open the door and heat from outside blasted in. “I’ll call you tomorrow, from Seattle.”
And then he was gone.
The door slammed shut on its heavy spring.
I pressed my fingertips to my lips, tingling from the pressure of his kiss. I could taste his tongue on mine and still feel his hand in my hair. What the hell had happened? I was just about to throw all my plans in the air and get naked and primitive and he walked away.
I turned and stabbed at the elevator button. Broke a nail. The doors opened immediately and I stomped in and hit two.
He’d wanted me. I had no doubts about that. I’d seen it in his eyes. Felt it in his kiss. I could even smell desire in the air, his and mine. It was thick and vital, another presence.
I stomped out of the elevator and let myself into my condo. Dashed straight to the balcony doors and peered out. He was climbing onto his bike. I watched as he adjusted his position on the seat and roared the engine awake.
He turned and looked up.
I ducked behind the curtain.
The bike bellowed then screamed up the gears as he charged off. A loud, rude noise in the quiet street. So much for being inconspicuous. So much for my cool, calm plan.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Saturday Spankings

Hello my lovely Saturday Spankers, here's another 8, this time from Enchanted Submission.

Another burst of pain seared her other buttock, it came so fast Rapunzel didn't have time to shut her eyes in anticipation of the thwack. "Ow, ow, ow," she breathed as the sting intensified with each passing second.
"Exquisite," Beast murmured and then rubbed his cool hand over the burn. "Your pale skin takes it so beautifully."
He raised the paddle and hit again, then again, each buttock treated to another blazing contact. Rapunzel's arms went limp and she let the cuffs hold her; the sensations were overwhelming, agony and bliss, fire and ice. It hurt like hell but she wanted more.
"Is it starting to feel good yet?" he asked.

Find out what else goes on in this erotic fairytale...

Lily x

Friday, 22 November 2013


If you've stopped by for the Thankfully Naughty Giveaway Hop click HERE, and if you want to read all about Running Against Traffic by Gaelen VanDenbergh scroll down just a tiny bit...

Running Against Traffic by Gaelen VanDenbergh

Please welcome Gaelen VanDenbergh to my blog today. Gaelen is a new author to me and I'm thrilled to have her and her new book Running Against Traffic stop by for a visit. Not only that she's going to share a few thoughts on making characters real for all you budding authors out there.

Blurb for Running Against Traffic

Paige Scott spent her childhood shuffled between relatives who ignored her, and her adult life hiding in her crumbling marriage to wealthy David Davenport. When David suddenly thrusts her into a remote, impoverished world, Paige is forced to face the betrayals of her past - not to mention the colorful townies of her present. Unexpected friendships and her discovery of running propel her on a jagged and comical journey toward learning how to truly live.

How to Make Your Characters Believable by Galean VanDenberg

Your characters are crucial to a good story. Yes, there must be a plot. Things have to happen to these people. But in my opinion, if the characters are not believable, the most riveting story will fall flat.

You have to know your characters. What do they like to eat? If they had a day entirely to themselves, alone, what would they choose to do? Do they have secret dreams or desires that no one knows about? How do they react in various situations? If you think about a close friend of yours, think of all that you know of that person's idiosyncrasies. Carefully consider your characters in the same way. 

Consider personal history. Where did they grow up? What was their family situation? Do they have brothers and sisters? Were they nurtured or neglected or something in-between? What turning points occurred in their life? What were their relationships like with partners over the years? 

If I find myself struggling with the process of getting to know one of my characters, and this has happened many times, I pretend we are meeting for a drink, and I ask them questions. As the conversation in my head progresses, I begin to sort out who this person is and what made them who they are, what brought them to this point in their lives, what they are going through in the present. I can be very nosy.

Once your characters become real to you, your writing will portray them honestly, and they will therefore be believable to your readers. 

Finally, pay attention to the details. For me, once I have truly gotten to know a character the way I would know a close friend, I can hear them talk, I see their body language, and I often think I know how they would react in certain situations. Though, as I write, they sometimes surprise me, and then we have to go back to the bar to discuss it. Why did they do that? What made them say that? Don't let them try to change the subject. This may be their story but it's your book. Find out what's really going on. 

If this seems like a lot of work, consider your friendships in real life. Did they just come about, or did you spend time getting to know these people? It wasn't really work, was it? Well, with some people it's work. But with people you have created, it should fascinate and engross you. For me, it's the absolute best part of the writing process.



About Gaelen

Gaelen VanDenbergh is a writer, runner, and compulsive list-maker who lives in Philadelphia with her family, a fat cat, and several fish. Her debut novel Running Against Traffic, was a Global Ebook Award nominee, a semifinalist in the The Kindle Book Review’s 2013 Best Indie Book Awards, a semifinalist in the Readers' Favorite 2013 International Book Award Contest, Indie Book of the Day, June 30, 2013, a 2013 Beach Book Festival Award nominee, and has received a four star review in InD’tale Magazine.

When not writing, Gaelen enjoys reading, running races for charities, and spending as much time in Key West and the Adirondacks as she can.