
Saturday 11 April 2015

Saturday Spankings #SatSpanks

Welcome to Saturday Spankings, this week a few from my new release Dark Warrior.

“This is going to get complicated,” Malik said.
“It always does.” Leo shrugged. “But tonight who gives a fuck. Right now it’s just us, here in the moment.” Leo kissed him, sought his tongue and murmured his approval when Malik squeezed his buttocks through his shorts. Oh, how he’d wanted this. To be pressed up against the man who’d stolen all of his fantasies and all of his dreams. “Malik.” He gasped after a minute of frantic kissing and rubbing each other’s backs and buttocks through clothing. “Please, I want—”
“You want me,” Malik said. He grinned in a way that oozed sexual prowess and his eyelids became heavy.
“Yes.” Leo felt dizzy with lust, his thoughts on one-track only—fucking. It was all that could happen next, if it didn’t he’d go mad. “Now. Fuck me now.”
“Demanding white man, aren’t you?”
In a sudden, brisk movement, Malik spun Leo around.
Leo grunted as Malik tipped him onto the bed. He supported himself on his hands with his arse in the air and feet on the floor. He wished he didn’t have the ugly healing stings on his back, but that couldn’t be helped and besides, Malik didn’t seem to mind.
A hard slap landed on his left buttock. “You know what demanding gets you, don’t you, Doctor?”
“What?” Leo asked gruffly. The smack had created a burning sensation on his arse that sent delicious tingles spreading outward over his flesh.
“Give it to me.”

Back cover information

While some passions live on the surface, others—wilder, darker passions—have to be kept buried deep.

Dr. Leo Rotherham is following his calling by working in rural Kenya for the charity Medics On Hand. While he expected a primitive way of life and limited medical supplies, what he doesn’t bargain on is falling for handsome village warrior, Malik.

Malik is well respected, knowledgeable and loyal to his tribe. He’s also beautiful, brave, modern and, much to Leo’s dismay, married—isn’t he?

No, it turns out Malik is as free as the animals that roam the African plains at night.

Soon the tension is building between the two men and Leo isn’t sure if he’s coming or going. Whenever he’s around Malik he can’t help but notice the reflected look of lust in his eyes and feel the longing sizzling between them.

Malik stands too close, not close enough. Forbidden attraction simmers between them and the need grows to dizzying heights. But dare they admit to each other what it is they want? And are they brave enough to act on their desires and be honest about their lust? One thing is for sure, a passion this big, this powerful, can’t be contained and it’s all going to explode in the most spectacular of ways.

Buy your copy from Totally Bound and get a bonus sexy scene. Also available from all other good book retailers in both ebook and paperback.

Want all the juicy Dark Warrior details - check out my exclusive interview.


  1. Sounds as if Malik has got Leo's number. I wonder, though, how Leo got his scars. Great snippet, Lily.

  2. Great excerpt from an amazing book :)

  3. I need more. Saturday Spanking is going to put me in the poor house.

  4. I want to know how he got the scars too.

  5. Great snippet! I can't wait to check out this book :)
