
Thursday 31 October 2013

Fall Into Winter Romance Giveaway Hop

Hello and welcome to the Fall Into Winter Romance Hop, I am thrilled that you're here. I was being interviewed recently and was asked what I enjoyed the most about the erotic romance genre in which I write. I hadn't thought about it much before, which is often the way when you're so absorbed in something like writing,writing and writing, but as soon as I did the answer came to me. It's the huge spectrum of romance and sexiness in which I write.

By that I mean sweet, romantic vanilla couples, falling in love and falling into bed, kinky threesomes setting up a life together and having a whole pile of fun in the process and darker, more 'out there' BDSM tales.

I suppose if I were to put my novels on a spectrum of vanilla to on-the-edge-extreme it would go kind of like this...

I won't go into details of all my books, because as you can see there are quite a few, and that's just the longer ones that I've picked out for this scale. But if I just let you read the blurb for Breathe You In and then the Sexy as Hell Box Set you'll get a taste of the range.

Soul-aching desire was just the beginning!

If the road to Heaven starts in Hell then I was ready to start climbing my way out and Ruben Strong was the man to accompany me. With his devastating good looks, seductively sexy charm and lust for adrenaline he was sure to make it a sensual and erotic experience as well as one to re-awake the passionate, throw-caution-to-the-wind woman I’d once been.

I’d given Ruben something, though, without him realizing, and that gift had come from the man I’d loved before. But I couldn’t tell Ruben. I had to keep that a tight secret even as our naked bodies wound together, sought out pleasure and hit the dizzy heights of ecstasy as one. Because Ruben had my husband’s heart, literally, and that heart was still in love with me, so it seemed, and now I was in love with Ruben. 

Emotions tangled with bliss, and fears were locked away as I surrendered to the touch of Ruben’s hands, the taste of his skin and the sounds of his pleasure. I couldn’t deny that Ruben had brought me back to life the same way I had him and there was no way I was giving up that feeling, not for anyone.

Sexy as Hell - (Bargain price on Amazon for a limited time)

Sexy as Hell: an erotic trilogy that will submerge you into the black heart of a world of bondage and discipline, Dominance and submission, sadism and masochism.

Dare to take this twisting journey with Victor and you’ll learn the ropes with him, experience every carnal sensation and fall into a dark and dangerous love that grips like a fist and binds like a collar.

Get to know Zara, his sultry teacher, and you’ll gasp when she doles out her sinful instructions but then delight in the stunning results she not only demands but achieves. It seems Heaven and Hell are not so far apart when she holds the reins.

Victor has his layers peeled back, but when he does the same to try to get to his Vixen’s core, a revelation appears. Because Zara is a woman whose vast sexual experience is both her strength and her weakness; she can inflict pain and pleasure, make lusty demands and instruct, but she needs so much more, she needs…

Yes, the time has come to for her to admit to her needs and confess to the repairing her soul hungers for. A sea of memories, a lifetime of control requires an acknowledgement that will cut through her barriers, and there’s only one man up for the job—her virgin, her student, her newly trained monster, Victor Partridge.

Please note, in order to enjoy Victor and Zara’s adventures, the trilogy must be read in order.

Breathe You In is a story that germinated when I was working as a nurse. I guess it is this realism and the strength of memories that allowed me to write something as complex as falling in love with the man who has your husband's donated heart. I adored writing this book, I'd go as far as to say it is one of my very favourites even though it isn't kinky - though the bedroom door is left well and truly open - and there are just two people in the bed. But it's the depth of the emotion, the tangled conflict and the unusualness of Katie and Ruben's situation that gripped me as a writer.

When I look at my 'kink-o-metre' I notice that the edgier novels are generally written with my co-author Natalie Dae (we publish under the name Harlem Dae). I think this is because she is particularly fascinated by the BDSM lifestyle and that has sucked me in. Also we feel 'braver' as writer's to push plots to the very boundaries of the genre, experiment, take risks. We have each other to bounce things off, and certainly we've found our own limits by doing this. Something we possibly wouldn't have learned about ourselves if we hadn't co-authored.

Readers, like writers, all have a certain level of heat and raunch they want in a book, so for this giveaway I will offer one commentor the book of their choice from the above list. Just leave me note say which book appeals to you - click on them for more information - and your email address and I'll pick a name at random at the end of the hop.

Good luck on winning the grand prize of a $50 Amazon voucher, and have a fabulous day

Lily x


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh, wow, picking 1 would be so hard! I have read and loved several of your books, but there are still many that I don't have yet. The Glass Knot would probably be my first choice. I've had it on my wish list.

    michellevasquez2001 at yahoo dot com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your books all look so good. I've added most of them to my long to buy list.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  4. I love the covers. They're so very sexy. It would be tough to choose just one, but I do like to choose books by their covers. I'd say Teamwork or Cold Nights Hot Bodies.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. Catherine is the winner! Thanks to everyone for commenting on my blog post :-)

  5. Lily, thanks so much for the chance to win High-Sticked. I haven't read any in the Hot Ice series, but I love sports themed stories, even though I'm not even into sports. I just think there's something about athletes and the world around them.

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

  6. I would love Joy Ride.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  7. They all sound really good.
    Scored would be my choice.
    Thanks for the chance.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  8. I've been wanting to read HIGH-STICKED for ages!


  9. Its a little hard but I think It would be Sexy As Hell Box set or Lily Harlem's Breathe You In

  10. I would love to read Gran Slam. Although I must admit I love them all!

  11. All of them sound great and I would love to have Good Cop Bad Cop. Thanks for sharing the hop and your giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

  12. i think they all sound amazing. i would want anything for him.

  13. I have never read any of your books but from the excerpts that I have read I think I would enjoy them and From the book covers they all seem be very good books to read that I am have a hard time choosing but I decided on the Sexy As Hell Box set Thank You

  14. 'The Glass Knot' looks pretty good.


  15. Hi! Great selection of books! I cant wait to read them all! I have some and im dying to get my hands on the rest of them! I really love the sound of Grand Slam. Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the fun and goodies! :)

  16. I think Shared and The Glass Knot sound like great books! I would be interested in reading either one of them. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    thompsonem3 at aol dot com
