
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Please welcome Victoria Blisse!!

Take it away Victoria...

Firstly, my thanks to Lily for having me over as her guest today!

Now I want to talk to you about something very dear to my heart: kissing. Our lips are packed with sensitive nerve endings so even a slight brush can send a cascade of pleasurable signals to the brain encouraging us to continue under the right circumstances and that’s a scientific fact. I mean, who doesn’t like a kiss? I love kissing as some of you no doubt already know. I run something called the Sunday Snog every Sunday and the lovely Lily often participates.

Basically lots of top notch authors post kisses from their books on their websites and link them up to my site so that readers can enjoy them all one after another. It’s a great way to spend some time on a Lazy Sunday!

Also some of you may know that I held a blog tour in December called Blissemas and it was very successful indeed. I wanted to do something just as fun for Valentine’s day but thought another month long thing might be pushing it a bit. So I came up with The Big Blisse Kiss. 

It’s a cross between Blissemas and my Sunday Snog! It’s just one day, Sunday the 12th February and it will be filled with the usually Sunday Snogging goodness. The difference? Every author participating will be offering a prize to the readers!

There’s going to be prizes galore! So you need to make sure you visit on the 12th February to enjoy all the kisses and the prizes. You might also want to visit there earlier than that as there is a section of free reads listed for your enjoyment.

You can’t beat a bit of flash fiction especially when it’s free! And now to get you in the mood I’ve got a snog for you from Silver Screen Dream  .

Here’s the blurb:

Book one in the Djinn's Amulet Series.

When true love conquers all, what is a djinn to do?

Johnny is a djinn, and he has a hard life. His master, Rahul, is a massive Bollywood star who’s run off to England to avoid an arranged marriage, a marriage Johnny has to make happen. It’s his job. Rahul further complicates matters by falling for a British Bollywood fan, Laura, whom he meets at a film premiere.

How can Johnny get his master back to Mumbai to marry the woman to whom he is pledged and away from the English hussy who is steadily taking more and more of his attention? Johnny will use revenge and jealousy, but how will he cope when true love is thrown into the mix?

Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series.

And the kiss!

I turned around at the low rumble of my name as it fell from the lips of my crush.
“Rahul, can I help?”
“Yes, I think you can,” he said. “I think only you can.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
I wish I’d had more time to appreciate it before my mind was swallowed with heat and desire. I wanted to have that slow-mo moment as the lovers run towards one another as the lust builds and the anticipation grows in the stomach of all those watching. I just had his lips on mine, his arms around me and the explosion of passion that made me feel weak. I don’t think I had anything to complain about, really.
He was rough and demanding. He ran his fingers into my hair and pulled out the sensible clip that held my rambunctious riot of curls up and out of the way. He grabbed my curly locks, pulled me tighter to his lips and I responded with equal intensity. I was dreaming, or at least I had magically had my deepest wish granted.
He roamed his hands from my head to my waist then down over my buttocks. His groan echoed through my body as he squeezed, and I opened my mouth wider in shocked arousal. He took advantage and slipped his tongue inside to dance with mine. I didn’t know what to do with my hands. I just clung onto his shoulders like a woman who was about to swoon.

Leave me a comment about a memorable kiss, either one you’ver experienced or one you’ve read in a book and I’ll enter you into a draw to win a copy of Silver Screen Dream! So you can start your Big Blisse Kiss early! 

Victoria x x x

Thanks so much for stopping by today, Victoria and chatting about one of my most favourite past times with the lovely Mr. Harlem

Can't wait for the Big Blisse Kiss - its on the calendar.

Lily x


  1. I love to Kiss, that first kiss with a new partner, the consumation of all that built up passion finally exchanged. I crave it!!

  2. Thanks for hosting me, Lily, I'm glad you're going to join in the Big Blisse Kiss!

    M -Kisses are the best, I love kisses!

  3. Ive read a lot of steamy kisses in some books. Heres one: "The hero grabs the woman by her upper arms and pulls her towards him, dipping his head down, he softly kisses and nibbles on her lips. Gradually deepening the kiss and devouring her mouth. Pulling away, he plants a string of kisses along her jaw, down her throat, stopping at the base to nibble, suck and play." Hot or what? Whew! lol Thanks for sharing! Your books sounds great! Happy Valentines! ;D

  4. Sorry I meant to post! Congrats to the mysterious M for winning a copy of Silver Screen Dream!
